Thursday, 17 March 2011

Go Red Luncheon

It's been too long, friends!

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of volunteering with American Heart Association for the Go Red Luncheon. I did the makeup for their Sweetheart's who were in the fashion show and it was a blast! The four teen girls I worked with were so cute and really excited about being pampered and strutting in the show. (They did a swell job too). I learned that the Sweetheart's are a group of sophomore high school girls who participate in a nine month volunteer program. At the end, they get pampered (professional hair and makeup) for a photo shoot with Citiscapes Magazine to be in the May issue. Oh, and they get to attend a ball. I WANNA GO TO A BALL!!!!!!!!

Meet Mary-Kate, an AHA Sweetheart.
Beth Anne and Mary Kate. Sweet, southern ladies :)     (Beth Anne, I apologize for making it look as though a bouquet is growing from your head, lol)
Instructions. Get ready to strut your beautiful selves!
Maddison and Darby looking swell before showtime
The tables were lovely

It was a such a fun event! Volunteer work is great, especially when it involves my passion of doing makeup.

Have a splendid week!

Monday, 14 March 2011

RainY Monday‡ Sad Day

Even when it's gloomy outside, we don't have to let it make us gloomy as well. It's true. Now if we were in Seattle and the weather was gray more often that not, that might be different. Too little sun can really negatively affect our mood. But don't let the gray, hazy days get you down, ok? It's not worth it.

Recently, my friend Meagan gave up her time to model for me and I appreciate it so much! We had a blast!  I did the makeup, hair, styling, art direction, and photography and she glowed with her beauty in all the pictures. I could work on photo shoots for most of my life and be so happy. I love the preparation, the stress, the clothes and makeup flying all around and whisking through one outfit after another. Except for the photography, that is NOT my expertise or talent. I enjoy creating the look and having another talented soul capturing the photos. I didn't have someone on hand to do this shoot, so I attempted the photos and did an ok job. Thankfully, Meagan was stellar! Here are a couple of favorite shots:

Make shift studio at home.  :)
I hope everyone enjoys the rain today! Enjoy yourselves lovelies,
