Thursday, 17 March 2011

Go Red Luncheon

It's been too long, friends!

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of volunteering with American Heart Association for the Go Red Luncheon. I did the makeup for their Sweetheart's who were in the fashion show and it was a blast! The four teen girls I worked with were so cute and really excited about being pampered and strutting in the show. (They did a swell job too). I learned that the Sweetheart's are a group of sophomore high school girls who participate in a nine month volunteer program. At the end, they get pampered (professional hair and makeup) for a photo shoot with Citiscapes Magazine to be in the May issue. Oh, and they get to attend a ball. I WANNA GO TO A BALL!!!!!!!!

Meet Mary-Kate, an AHA Sweetheart.
Beth Anne and Mary Kate. Sweet, southern ladies :)     (Beth Anne, I apologize for making it look as though a bouquet is growing from your head, lol)
Instructions. Get ready to strut your beautiful selves!
Maddison and Darby looking swell before showtime
The tables were lovely

It was a such a fun event! Volunteer work is great, especially when it involves my passion of doing makeup.

Have a splendid week!

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