Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Outfit Day: Polka Dot Dress

mollie booth parks, polka dot dress, blue hat, daily outfit, red lipstick
mollie booth parks, polka dot dress, blue hat, daily outfit, red lipstick

On a snowy day this was my wishful thinking outfit. One step outside and the circle skirt went SWOOSH up in the air around my waist. I'm looking to spring days when I can prance around OUTside in this.

[hat: thrifted | jacket: thrifted | dress: Grey Dog Vintage | Tights: Target | Boots: Nine West | Rings: vintage, Piccadilly Market
mollie booth parks, polka dot dress, blue hat, daily outfit, red lipstick

mollie booth parks, polka dot dress, daily outfit
mollie booth parks, polka dot dress, blue hat, daily outfit, red lipstick, pink eyeshadow

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