Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Greek Yogurt: The Best Face Mask Ever

I would be doing a disservice to all if I didn't share my biggest skin secret. To start, I learned this from a lady who had the BEST skin I have ever seen. I always marveled at her bright, tight, barely wrinkled, super luminescent skin. One day she told me that Greek yogurt was the secret to her youthful skin [she's in her fifties]. You can bet I ran to my fridge after that to see if I could get the same results.

It's insane how healthy my skin feels after I do this mask. I have tried many masks and washes all to no avail. They left me with a "that's all?" feeling. NOT THIS ONE FOLKS.

How to do it:
1. Wipe plain greek yogurt all over your face.
2. Keep it on for about 10 minutes or until almost all the way dry.
3. Standing over the sink, rub it off in an upward motion with your fingers. This helps the dead skin cells to slough off, like an exfoliator.
4. Rinse the remaining yogurt off with hot water.
5. Splash cold water over your face to close pores. [And it just feels good]
Don't be silly like me and let your hair on the mask. But hey, maybe my hair is getting healthier too.

This is me sans makeup right after washing the mask off. My skin feels incredible right after.

Please tell me you're going to try this!

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