Friday, 28 December 2012

Girl Crush[es]

We all have them, girl crushes. Matchbook Magazine states it best, "that indefinable blend of adoration and envy that accompanies a crush on someone you kind of love, kind of hate, but above all want to be." I don't harbor malice toward any of the following ladies but I agree that there is a certain envy mingled in our adoration of girl crushes.

Hence, I am sharing my blogging girl crushes with you today [in no particular order]:

a style of your own blog, girl crush, kelly framel, the glamorai

She's chic and gorgeous, Ms. Kelly Framel of The Glamorai. Her site looks as impeccable as she does. I love that she inspires us to be glamorous in the everyday.  

a style of your own blog, girl crush, cheetah is the new black

Alicia of Cheetah is the New Black is one of those bloggers that upon discovering her I thought, "she and I would be great friends." Not creepily, she just has a sweet way of seeming to be your best friend, exhibiting her great outfits and sharing cool advice.

a style of your own blog, girl crush, this that beauty

This That Beauty's Felicia has a way of seeming like your chic older sister who shares her insider tidbits about products with you. It's as if she shares her products with you through the screen. And she's hilarious to boot.

a style of your own blog, girl crush, hanh merriman, life in travel blog

If I could borrow have anyone's closet, it would definitely be Hanh's. Her blog Life in Travel allows us to view her stylish, avant garde outfits as she travels and picks up the zaniest pieces. She's like a more attainable Daphne Guinness.

a style of your own blog, girl crush, from me to you, jamie beck, ann street studio

My husband has to hear me constantly exclaim "Look what Jamie did!" I swear the adventures and concoctions she and Kelly dream up are a exactly how my friends BriAbigail, Jana and I live and breath our lives. We're dreamers people. I've haven't met her (yet!) but I know she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Plus she and her beau, Kevin, are adorable.

a style of your own blog, girl crush, matchbook magazine, jane lily warren, katie armour

More than a blog, this magazine curated by Jane Lily Warren and Katie Armour is a Kate Spade meets Anthropologie "field guide" to the cleverest living possible. These ladies know how to make every post a visual meal dripping in deliciousness. Are you a matchbook girl? I am :)

a style of your own blog, girl crush, tulip louise blog, anna cottrell

I've interacted with Anna a few times and she is the kindest, most stylish lady out there. In a blogging world saturated with unoriginal style, Tulip Louise is a breath of fresh air. Her closet is bursting with unique pieces that she adeptly puts together in new and fresh ways. And she's a southern gal to boot! That automatically earns one points in my book.

a style of your own blog, girl crush, honestly wtf,

These girls are just hilarious. That's really all I can say. Oh and they a have a sweetastic blog.

style of your own blog, lisa eldridge, lisa eldridge makeup artist, youtube guru

Lisa Eldridge is my makeup artist idol. She has a giving, teacher's heart which I admire and very much desire to be. She makes makeup application look effortless and somehow when she speaks (in her uber swell Brit accent) it feels like I could be the next her.  She is very encouraging! 

style of your own blog, marion berry style, girl crush blogs

Marion is one of the most genuine bloggers I have come across to date. Honest and open she puts her life out there [why is that so frightening for me?] for giggles. She has great style-the girl knows how to rock her maternity body! She is one of those women that make me proud to be a woman. Oh, and you don't want to miss out on her "Moment of the Week" posts :).

There you have it! My personal blog roll is longer than this but these ladies are very special in my blog viewing world [That came out way less creepy in my head]. Who in the blog world inspires and challenges you, all the while making you a bit envious?


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