Thursday, 30 May 2013

Makeup Photo a Day 55: How to Get Eyeshadow in Your Crease

makeup photo a day, how to get eyeshadow in your crease, how to use a dome brush, green eyeshadow

 The key to effectively getting a specific color in your crease without spreading it everywhere on your eyelid, is a a dome eyeshadow brush [see photo below]. It's a wonderful, rounded brush that tapers at the end-hence the name dome-and it's an important brush to own! There you have it. That's how the magic happens.

makeup photo a day, how to get eyeshadow in your crease, how to use a dome brush, green eyeshadow

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Makeup Forever Flash Palette Lips

make up for ever flash palette, turquoise lips, lip art, makeup art,

make up for ever flash palette, turquoise lips, lip art, makeup art,
 It was a day to create something new. Nothing one sees ordinarily on the street, but a coming together of abstract lines and obnoxious colors. This is the creation.

Don't pretend you are immune to the creativity gene. It lives in every human and manifests itself in different ways.

Let your creativity manifest.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Makeup Photo a Day 54: Coco Rocha Inspired Smokey Eyes

 I saw a beautiful Instagram image of Coco Rocha's makeup for the 2013 Met Gala and was inspired to do this smokey eye. 

I saw a clearer image of Coco's makeup later and realized mine is a bit different, but who cares. It was inspired by, not a copy cat look. 

I have to say I felt like I was in my 30's and on my way to the Gala while wearing this look.

Some people think makeup is frivolous, a waste, or only for the vain.  That is absolutely not true!

It allows us to explore, create, alter, and play with the already smashing face (or body) we possess. 

Makeup is for the creator. 

What will you create today?

And now the funnies: 

Noooo way.

Friday, 17 May 2013

How to Make Your Mascara Last {a Little} Longer

You should get rid of your mascara 2-3 months after you purchase it. During that time, the mascara sometimes dries a little from the exposure to air and becomes "clumpy". If your mascara is still safe to wear but needs a little revival, here is a tip to keep it going.

1. You need artificial tears and of course your mascara.
2. Simply put 1-2 drops of artificial tears in your mascara.
3. Using the mascara wand, push it in and out of the mascara gently to mix the eye drops.
4. Tada! Now your mascara can last a bit longer.  But don't forget to throw it out when it expires!

how to make mascara last longer, makeup tips

how to make your mascara last longer, makeup tips

how to make your mascara last longer, makeup tips

Makeup Photo a Day 53: Smiling Makes Your Face Prettier

makeup photo a day
Well it does.

No matter how flawless your makeup appears, if you have a sour face, you look horrid. True story.

So smile today and let your adorableness shine through whatever makeup you have on.


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Makeup Photo a Day 52: Tips for Wearing Bright or Colorful Makeup

Spring makeup is such fun! I love color and I need to wear it more. Enough with the neutral trend ladies!

I know wearing color seems brash, or only for the tweens but there are ways to streamline it into adulthood.

First, you can use a small amount of color in a contained area. You don't want to look like you stepped out of an 80's film. Try wearing a bright colored eyeliner either on top or on bottom, but not both.

Second, color mascara is making a comeback. It's subtle, but super fun. And you would be surprised how many people don't notice it.

Third, always remember a colorful lipstick is the easiest way to add color without looking like you've completely changed your normal look. And there is a plethora of colors from which to choose these days.  Peach, pinky peach, bubblegum pink, violet red, coral red, cherry red, rose pink. You get the picture.

And fourthly, have fun! This is not permanent. And unless you are a celebrity, your picture will not hang in the "she wore what??" page of a magazine, forever a hallmark of your descent to being a D-list celeb.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Makeup Photo a Day 51: Obsessive Compulsive Tip Tar NSFW

OCC lip tar, obsessive compulsive cosmetics, makeup photo a day, lip tar nsfw
 I finally bought not one but four Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tars at The Makeup Show.

They're so powerful! The color is like a punch in the face. I'm wearing NSFW.

Have you tried the OCC lip tars?

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Greek Yogurt: The Best Face Mask Ever

I would be doing a disservice to all if I didn't share my biggest skin secret. To start, I learned this from a lady who had the BEST skin I have ever seen. I always marveled at her bright, tight, barely wrinkled, super luminescent skin. One day she told me that Greek yogurt was the secret to her youthful skin [she's in her fifties]. You can bet I ran to my fridge after that to see if I could get the same results.

It's insane how healthy my skin feels after I do this mask. I have tried many masks and washes all to no avail. They left me with a "that's all?" feeling. NOT THIS ONE FOLKS.

How to do it:
1. Wipe plain greek yogurt all over your face.
2. Keep it on for about 10 minutes or until almost all the way dry.
3. Standing over the sink, rub it off in an upward motion with your fingers. This helps the dead skin cells to slough off, like an exfoliator.
4. Rinse the remaining yogurt off with hot water.
5. Splash cold water over your face to close pores. [And it just feels good]
Don't be silly like me and let your hair on the mask. But hey, maybe my hair is getting healthier too.

This is me sans makeup right after washing the mask off. My skin feels incredible right after.

Please tell me you're going to try this!

Makeup Photo a Day 50: What to Wear to The Makeup Show

a style of your own blog, mollie booth parks, green smoky eyes, obsessive compulsive lip tar
This was my look for day two of The Makeup Show. It made me feel my age [I tend to have a baby face, especially in photos], and quite glamorous.

I made several friends and learned valuable information on products, makeup application, social media and branding yourself; and I had the great pleasure of hearing artists such as Beau Nelson, Michael Devellis, James Vincent, Sara Faella, and bloggers Lianne Farbes [The Makeup Girl], and Felicia Walker Benson [This That Beauty] speak.

Can't say enough about The Makeup Show NYC!!!



Saturday, 4 May 2013

Makeup Photo a Day 49: Bushy Eyebrows and First Impressions

makeup photo a day, gold eyeshadow, raspberry lipstick
This is a toned down version of makeup after yesterday's shoot. Nik and I had dinner at some new friend's house and while in the bathroom I noticed how over-the-top my eyebrows were [Close up they were theatrical ].

So much for first impressions!

Do something terribly sweetastic this weekend, ok?


Friday, 3 May 2013

Painted Face: Romantic Dead

 I found this image on Pinterest and was captivated by the haunted look in her face coupled with the off putting warm toned makeup on her cheeks. She looks as though she is being buried, but her skin is radient and full of lively colors. So I wanted to play! Here's my take on the shot:

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Growing Back to My Young Self

Do you know what growing up did to me?

I stumbled across old FB notes I penned and thought "who is this pretty cool chick who has a big heart?". Not arrogantly. I simply admired her courage to write her beliefs, her ability to dream huge, and her I-don't-give-a-damn-what-others-think attitude. 

I liked her. 

Then I realized that she was ME. 

It seemed like a version of me from a parallel universe. I barely remember believing that openly or loving so fearlessly. 

What happened to me? 

I thought I was a dreamer, who would never "grow up" and would have the golden heart of a child.

I think it started at 15 when I began to believe the lie that I was ugly, chunky, and not good enough for anyone to love. It started when I picked up a razor and decided that cutting was the only way to cope with emotions that were too big for me. It started when I drove to a river and let thoughts of suicide torment me enough to drive there over and over. Wanting to die. 

It started when I let my beauty be numbed with lies like "You feel too deeply and no one can ever understand you". Or "No one would care if you died". "You wouldn't be missed at all". "Life would be better if you never were born". "Your family won't notice you've gone." 

Where did that imaginative girl go?

Did she shrivel up? Did she let her vast amount of emotions take her down? Did she DIE?

For amazing reasons and people in my life, I am still here today in one piece. But I wondered after reading those notes, did I allow years of pain to wound me too deeply to be the me God created?

I closed up and closed myself off emotionally for a long time; and it has taken a lot of work to come out of the shell of protection I made for myself. Pain caused me to fear vulnerability because I saw it as the catalyst to pain. And so I walled up.

But I keep seeing the spring sun shine over the walls I made and I want to go out and play. I want to be that young, spirited girl, who was uninhibited by life's ups and downs. I want to be HER again.

Writing this was certainly a way for me to open up and come out of that fog. That's why I started the tag "vulnerability" for posts. Some days I need to write from the depths of my heart and share with you, my dear readers. I hope this new posting style will encourage you, provoke a new way of thinking, and allow you to be vulnerable in your life as well. It can make us uneasy at times. But the great life lessons always start with unrest. It's how we grow.

Do you know what growing up did to me? I think it tried to knock me down for good. But thankfully I serve a God who doesn't let that unnerve him. And he made sure I am standing on my own two feet, ready to make someone laugh with my silly imagination.

Welcome back, dreamer.

How did growing up affect you?

Image via Nick Glimenakis